We will develop and execute strategies to build your email list. The quality of this data is very important and should be made up of existing or future consumers that find your company to be relevant to them. We will also carefully segment your list into groups with similar characteristics. This will enable targeted messages that will feel personalized and resonate with your audience.
Getting someone to open, click, read, and react to an email requires the right message content. You have to engage them from the very start in the subject line and hold on to their attention once they open. Every word counts and we understand this. We will develop an email content strategy to maximize engagement with your customers.
We work with multiple email automation platforms that will enable a high impact, low cost investment, email marketing strategy. Customized email triggers can be setup based on the stage of the buying cycle, activity by an existing customer, or many other factors. We will then design and execute an email marketing automation strategy that will give you a significant ROI.
Knowing what email campaign worked, what didn't, and what needs to be changed requires regular data reporting. The more metrics you have, the better you can succeed in email marketing. Our analytics goes beyond the click of the email and this is one of the way we are able to create successful campaigns.